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Uh-Oh; I Got an Audit Notice from the IRS. Now What?

If you receive an audit notice from the IRS, do not panic.  Just breathe! Read the letter in its entirety to see what they are auditing.  In many cases, it’s a great idea to hire a tax representation professional to deal with the audit, especially if it’s a field audit (described below). 

Why You

An audit can be triggered in any number of ways. It could be that the IRS computer randomly pulled your number.  Certain amounts on the return can trigger this: high mortgage interest, high charitable contributions, high business expenses, business losses for many years, no W-2s for Officers, high travel expenses, etc.  If you have the proof, then there will not be a problem. 

Feel free to ask the auditor why your return was selected for an audit.  Although the majority of returns that are audited are due to odd industry standards, other criteria for selection may include informants, your relationship to another taxpayer who is being audited, being part of a special group that has been singled out for auditing or being part of an IRS project such as the auditing of all employers who use contract labor.  It will be good to know how your return got selected. 

Types of Audits

There are many different types of audits, and each will have different requirements and goals.

  1. Correspondence Audits are when you get a letter to confirm a specific deduction, like charitable contributions.  The IRS will request that you mail in copies of your cancelled checks and/or receipts in order to verify certain deductions on the return.  This type of audit is reserved for small/simple tax returns. 
  2. Some audits will require you to go to the nearest IRS office to show proof of your deductions rather than mail in the proof. 
  3. In a field audit, the IRS agent will want to meet with you at your home or office to look at the records.  It is crucial that during a field audit, you have representation.  The IRS agent is instructed to interview you and go to your business so that he/she can ask detailed questions about business operations and see the business facility first hand.  This can look like a “fishing expedition.”  Your representative will attempt to buffer you from this type of questioning and probing.  More than likely, your representative may attempt to have the audit conducted in his/her office rather than your business.

Dos and Don’ts:

  • Be organized.
  • Give them only the documents needed to support the deduction being questioned.
  • Never give the IRS agent more information than is requested. For example, if the agent wants one year of records, do NOT give them your entire QuickBooks file that goes back seven years!
  • Answer questions honestly, but briefly.
  • Do not leave your original records with the IRS.
  • Don’t chatter or exchange casual conversation.  Each comment only gives them more information.
  • Stay calm!  Don’t be argumentative or belligerent.
  • Insist on getting copies of information in their files or copies of anything that you sign.  Better yet, wait until your representative has time to review the document before you sign it.

The Audit Timeline

Here’s how your audit should progress:

  • Beginning:  Consult with a tax advisor up front.  You can learn what to expect from the IRS, what questions that you will be asked, and what documents they will require.  Be prepared!
  • Middle:  The auditor can say things that may not be upheld in tax court.  You will need to know the law and communicate it in a non-emotional and non-defensive manner.  You’ll need to speak the same language as the auditor. 
  • End:  Don’t sign anything until you fully understand the document and agree with what it says.  Consult someone, if needed. 

Is the Decision Final?

When the IRS agent/auditor presents you with a bill, you have the option to agree and sign the document or disagree and request a hearing with an appeals officer.  The IRS is supposed to inform you of your appeal rights, and your representative is well-versed in these matters.  A part of the up-front planning of an audit is the discussion of the appeals process and how best to make it work for you.

Bottom Line

Whether you prepared your return yourself or paid someone to do so, you are responsible for its contents. You need to review your tax returns closely before signing them and sending them to the IRS.  Less than four percent of returns are audited and if your return is, the auditor is looking for:

  1. A cooperative attitude – not hostile or defensive
  2. Timeliness – makes you look like you have nothing to hide. The shorter time it takes
    to resolve the issues, the less likely the auditor will find additional “mistakes.” 
  3. Excellent records – are most records available or have some been lost,
    stolen or destroyed?

If you hire a tax professional, yes, it will cost you money.  However, that cost may be well worth the stress and time it takes to resolve the audit.  Remember, the tax representative will handle the audit in such a manner that your “exposure” is decreased which means that the representative knows the areas where the auditor will probe and where your return is vulnerable.  Therefore, seek counsel so you know what to expect.

Contact P.T. Anderson Accounting to find out more.

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Due Diligence Requirements

As your tax professional, we may be asking you additional questions next year that are required by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Tax preparers must collect new information from clients who qualify for any of the following tax credits:

  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC)
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)
  • Head of Household filing status (HOH)

In addition to interviewing you and gathering the required information needed to answer all of the due diligence questions on Form 8867, Paid Preparer’s Due Diligence Checklist, we are now required to ask additional questions if the information you provide seems incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent. So please don’t think we got extra nosy! It’s the IRS’s way of cracking down on fraud.

As tax preparers, we must keep copies for three years (either paper or electronic) of any documents provided by you that were relied on to determine whether any child is a qualifying child. We must also keep all worksheets showing how the credit was computed. 

Penalty for Failure to Perform Due Diligence

For returns filed in 2019, the penalty is $520 per failure to meet the due diligence requirements.  This penalty applies to each credit that is subject to the due diligence requirements.  As a result, a single return could contain more than one $520 penalty!

IRS Letter 5025

The IRS is sending letters to tax professionals who have submitted returns with questionable claims for refundable credits and head of household status errors.  Letter 5025 is generated as an educational effort to notify preparers who submit a high number of returns containing these credits that they may not have met the due diligence requirements.  While the letter is informational only, it serves to notify the tax professional that the IRS is monitoring returns prepared by them.  The letter advises tax preparers to educate themselves on the due diligence requirements by taking an online training module.

Form 8867

If you’re curious about the list of question that we may have to ask you, you can view them on the due diligence checklist at this link:

Contact P.T. Anderson Accounting to find out more.

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Why Having a Budget Is Important

As an entrepreneur, you likely place a high value on freedom. When the word “budget” is mentioned, you might cringe and feel like it hampers your freedom. But it’s really the opposite.  Here’s why.

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According to a 2019 article in Small Business Trends, “Startup Statistics – The Numbers You Need to Know,” 82 percent of businesses that fail do so because of cash flow problems. Even if your business is no longer a startup, the failure rates for businesses started in 2014 were as follows:

  • 20 percent failed to make it to their second year,
  • 30 percent failed to make it to their third year,
  • 38 percent failed to make it to their fourth year, and
  • 44 percent failed to make it to their fifth year.

Benefits of a Budget

Many of the reasons for business failure can be prevented with good budgeting and planning.  Here are some benefits of making a budget and managing to it. 

  • A budget helps to control spending by seeing what’s available beyond your cash balance at the time.
  • Impulse spending can be curbed by avoiding spending on anything that is not budgeted for.
  • If a loan is needed to finance the business, you have a better idea of how much you need and how to best schedule the loan payments.
  • Your chances of business success increase with a budget.
  • You can see future revenue shortfalls so that you can take proactive steps to boost sales.
  • You can better manage growth.
  • You have a better idea of your profit level so you can make pricing changes, tax predictions, appropriate compensation, and other strategic changes.
  • You can plan for large expenditures such as asset purchases and time them better for cash flow, loan acquisition, and other considerations.

Getting started with a budget is easy.  If you’ve been in business for more than one year, you can start with last year’s actual figures and then adjust for the growth and changes you want.  The numbers can be input into your accounting system so that you can get reports that measure actual progress versus the budget numbers.  Consequently, you can then make good business decisions based on your variances. 

When you take a little bit of time to create a budget, you really can enjoy the freedom of knowing you’re on track to make your numbers.  If we’re not already working with you on your budget, contact P.T. Anderson Accounting. to find out more.

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Is There Still a Marriage Tax Penalty?

The term “marriage penalty” in taxes refers to the situation that two people with the same income would pay more tax if they married and filed a joint return (MFJ) than if they stay single and file separately as single taxpayers.
