Patricia Anderson No Comments

How Pinterest and Instagram Can Make You Money

There’s a visual side to every business, and Pinterest and Instagram, which are social media applications, can show your customers and prospects what your business looks like form day to day.  Plus, you can have some real fun with it. Pinterest allows people to post graphics to online bulletin boards and share them with others.  In Pinterest, graphics of all kinds are allowed, including photographs, screen prints, logos, and more.  In Instagram, photos are posted and shared among users.  Read more [...]
Patricia Anderson No Comments

Three Costly Accounting Mistakes to Avoid

Small business owners have a lot on their plates, and time simply does not allow you to become an expert in all the areas required for running a business.  Here are a couple of common mistakes that we see all the time.  Correcting them will help you be more productive and profitable in your business.Mismanaging receipts Maintaining receipts are challenging for everyone, but the IRS requires that you have proof of business expenditures.  Periodically, we come across people who feel that keeping Read more [...]
Patricia Anderson No Comments

The Best Payment Terms for Faster Cash Flow

A great way to speed up your cash flow is to get paid faster by customers who owe you money.  One way to do that is to examine your payment terms to see if you can accelerate them.  First let’s talk about what payment terms are common.  Then I’ll share a study that showed which payment terms generate the fastest payments. English, Please Traditional payment terms are spoken in the following format: Percentage discount/(Days due from invoice date), “Net” (Days due before payment is Read more [...]