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Checklist for Clean Books

Keeping your business’s books clean all year long can help to provide more accurate financial statements and reports as well as an easier tax time. Here is a checklist of activities to perform periodically to keep your books clean. Make sure all bank accounts are reconciled. Make sure all credit card accounts are reconciled. Update year-end inventory balance, if applicable. Review liability accounts and balance statements. Check for any old, uncleared items in the bank and credit Read more [...]
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Time Batching

For small business owners, it seems like there is never enough time to get everything accomplished. One tool that will help you get the most out of your time is time batching, also called time blocking. If you haven’t heard of this before, it can revolutionize the way you approach work. What Is Time Batching? Time batching is where you group like tasks together on your calendar to gain economies of scale. Almost everything can be batched: answering emails, running errands, customer calls Read more [...]
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Cool Tech Tools: ClickUp™

ClickUp™ is a versatile new web application that serves multiple functions for a small business. It’s primarily a CRM – customer relationship management – with project management and workflow features built in, and is adaptable across several industries. ClickUp’s goal for its users is to save time and reduce redundancy by tying everything together in one app. Its integrations, which are called ClickApps, are truly its strength. The 1,000+ integrations set ClickUp apart from other offerings, Read more [...]
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Is Your Best Skill Aligned with Your Business Model?

When starting a business, most entrepreneurs excel at the specific technical skill set they need in order to deliver their services and products to clients.  For example, if you own a bike shop, you are pretty great at all things related to bikes. If you own a law firm, you are probably good at practicing law. This skill is your core skill. As your business grows, you need different skills beyond your core skill in order to thrive. That skill depends on the type of business model you want to Read more [...]
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Unravel Your Competitors’ Secrets with Mystery Shopping

Every business has competitors of one sort or another, and in many industries, it’s crucial to know what your competition is offering their customers. The good news is you can often find out what your competition is up to, and this is where mystery shoppers come into play. A mystery shopper is a person who is hired to visit and shop your competitors for the purposes of sharing information about their experience. Mystery shopping is one way to collect input so you can complete a Competitive Analysis Read more [...]